Cairo, Egypt.
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Cairo, Egypt.

Electric Vehicle – Accessible Charging


Electric cars are becoming more and more popular as people become more environmentally conscious and seek to reduce their carbon footprint. One of the biggest concerns for potential electric car owners is the availability and accessibility of charging stations. This is where the future of electric car charging comes into play.

In the past, electric car charging stations were few and far between, making it difficult for electric car owners to take longer trips. However, as electric cars become more popular, more and more charging stations are being installed. In fact, many cities and municipalities are installing charging stations in public parking areas and gas stations making it easy for electric car owners to charge their vehicles while they run errands, go shopping, or visit friends.

The benefits of accessible charging stations are many. First and foremost, it allows electric car owners to take longer trips without worrying about running out of battery power. This can help to reduce range anxiety and increase the overall convenience of owning an electric car.

Another benefit of accessible charging stations is that they can help to boost the economy. As more and more people switch to electric cars, the demand for charging stations will increase. This can create jobs in the manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of charging stations, as well as in the industries that support them.

UNIVERSE – as a distributor for GEWISS – provides the GEWISS® JOINON which is a safe and reliable solution, compliant with current international standards and ideal for private charging with public access and in public contexts, that makes environmental sustainability a competitive success factor. The JOINON range of products consists of Wallbox I-CON and Columns and Wallbox I-ON, declinable to the use and features required. The JOINON solution includes the complete management of the product, including technical assistance and maintenance, smartphone and tablet app and cloud platform for the smart management of the charging infrastructure.

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