Certified Cabling Test Technician Training Program
Get certified, do more
Technicians who complete the program and pass the examinations:
• Get jobs done faster by making the most efficient use of the Versiv™ Cabling Certification System and LinkWare™ Cable Test Management Software solutions
• Avoid mistakes that lead to costly retesting
• Deliver test results that are accepted by manufacturers and customers
• Qualify to work on jobs that require CCTT certification
• Fully understand the standards and technologies that drive high-performance structured cabling systems
• Can earn up to 27% more (based on our 2022 US Salary Survey)
• Earn up to 14 BICSI Continuing Education Credits (CECs)
Who will find this course advantageous?
The Fluke Networks Versiv Test Professional Course caters to network installers aiming to deepen their comprehension of the Versiv platform. Whether they need a refresher on Fluke Networks' latest cable testers or wish to broaden their expertise in certifying copper and fiber infrastructure, this course is designed to meet their needs. Participants will gain insights into industry best practices and acquire skills for effectively certifying both copper and fiber infrastructure.

What are the course requirements?
Engineers and IT Professionals are recommended to have at least 1 years of experience in installing and certifying network infrastructure. Basic knowledge of the Versiv platform would be prudent but not essential. It is recommended students bring a Fluke Networks cable tester to training.
How do you complete the course?
The Versiv Test Professional Course is a seminar and practical based programme designed to increase attendee knowledge, utilising the Versiv platform. Students will be encouraged to take part in practical activities to reinforce the lesson objectives. The course is modular allowing students to enrol in either copper, fibre or both.
Course Highlights
The Fluke Networks Certified Cabling Test Technician course consists of a copper and a fiber course, each including classroom training, hands-on labs, and exam/certification exercises. Products covered include: